Bluehost India Web Hosting Help

Pricing OHWP

Optimized Hosting for WordPress (OHWP) Hosting Prices

Optimized Hosting for WordPress

Optimized Hosting for WordPress (OHWP) is a managed hosting service that has been highly tuned to run WordPress extremely fast. Built on our VPS solution, the product is bundled with a number of significant add-on products to create a powerful platform for hosting blogs and websites built on WordPress.

To signup for Optimized Hosting for WordPress visit

Optimized Hosting for WordPress

Features WP Standard WP Enhanced WP Premium WP Ultimate
CPU (Cores)DualDualTripleQuad
RAM (GB)2468
SAN Storage30 GB60 GB120 GB240 GB
Backup Storage30 GB60 GB120 GB240 GB
Max Concurrent MySQL Connections150150150150
Free Domains1111
Auto SSL CertificateIncludedIncludedIncludedIncluded
Premium SSL CertificateNoNoPositive SSL (1)Positive Wildcard SSL (1)
Dedicated IP1111

Please note that all plans are billed in full and in advance for their respective term lengths

Monthly Pricing

Term WP Standard WP Enhanced WP Premium WP Ultimate
1 Month Term₹3291.09₹5760.02₹7405.98₹10697.89
3 Month Term₹3291.09₹5760.02₹7405.98₹10697.89
6 Month Term₹3291.09₹5760.02₹7405.98₹10697.89
12 Month Term₹3291.09₹4937.05₹7405.98₹10697.89
24 Month Term₹3291.09₹4937.05₹7405.98₹10697.89
36 Month Term₹3291.09₹4937.05₹7405.98₹10697.89

Additional SAN Storage WP Standard WP Enhanced WP Premium WP Ultimate
30 GBs ₹822.98      -      -      -
60 GBs ₹1316.76 ₹1316.76      -      -
120 GBs ₹1892.85 ₹1892.85 ₹1892.85      -
240 GBs ₹2633.53 ₹2633.53 ₹2633.53 ₹2633.53
500 GBs      - ₹4114.89 ₹4114.89 ₹4114.89
1000 GBs      -      - ₹8229.78 ₹8229.78

Frequently Asked Questions

Am I able to add more CPU, RAM and storage?

Yes. To add additional Resources use the Add Resources tool under the Addons tab in your Control Panel.

What is the maximum upload limit for Optimum Hosting for WordPress?

There is a set limit of 256 MBs. However you may contact support requesting that this limit be increased.

Is it possible to upgrade from Shared hosting to OHWP?

Yes, for Legacy Accounts, simply contact support requesting that your account be upgraded. Customers using our new interface can keep an eye out for updates regarding future availability.

Is it possible to downgrade from OHWP back to Shared hosting?

There are not any plans to offer an automated migration service back to Shared. If you find that you need to move back to a Shared server please contact support asking for assistance in backing up your WordPress files.

Am I able to install additional copies of WordPress on other domains hosted on my account?

Yes. Optimum Hosting for WordPress has a built-in tool install additional instances of OHWP WordPress configurations. The link to access this is on the Home and cPanel pages

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