Shared hosting works for a lot of users and first-timers who have a new website or even a blog. Their basic requirements are fulfilled and though there are limitations with speed and security, it does its job.
Saying that shared hosting is unsafe is taking the argument too far. You can say that it can be a little more vulnerable to attacks. But even claiming this has no proof or a proven track record. Otherwise, no one would be buying a shared hosting package in the first place.
With some limitations come drawbacks and risks, that too with different aspects of shared hosting. With this tutorial, we will explore the ones that are affecting shared hosting and how you can prevent them with practical actions.
- Shared directory
Every WordPress site has its own directory of WordPress files, content, and other data. This folder is located in the so-called “directory” of the web server.
A dedicated server contains a folder that contains the website’s files. However, shared hosting has a folder containing multiple web folders.
Shares of this directory are actually linked to other websites on the server, even if the site’s domain and content are different. This means that a hacker with access to this root directory could attack any site on the server. Hackers do this by running a program that identifies every vulnerability on every index page. This may be an outdated plugin installed on the web. If you find a vulnerability, use it to hack your website.
How to tackle this? By installing a security plugin
This is a must-have precaution on your website, regardless of whether you are using shared hosting as a dedicated server.
A good WordPress security plugin creates strong protection against hackers and malicious activity on your website. If hackers on your shared platform try to gain access to your website or execute malicious commands, the security plugin should find and notify you.
- Slow loading time
Hacking another site to your shared server can also cause performance issues for your site. If a website is compromised, hackers can use it to perform malicious activities, such as storing illegal files and folders, sending unsolicited e-mails, and launching attacks on other websites.
In this way, the compromised site uses more shared server resources. This will affect your site. This will greatly slow down your site. Your site may also be unresponsive and inaccessible to visitors.
How to tackle this? By setting file permissions
As mentioned earlier, hackers on shared servers can try to access WordPress files. To prevent this, set the appropriate permissions on the file so that only you, the site owner, can access the file.
You must be able to access cPanel in your host account to change file permissions.
- Notorious neighbors
Hackers like you can buy a shared hosting plan and be your neighbor. They can manage spam and phishing websites and steal visitor data. Host servers cannot be used to store malicious files and folders.
Sharing your server with unreliable neighbors will definitely pose a threat to your website.
That you need to switch from shared hosting to a dedicated server? For most people, this is not a cheap option. But don’t worry! Even with shared hosting, you can take steps to protect your website.
How to tackle this? By blocking PHP execution in unknown folders
If a hacker finds a vulnerability on the website, it is used to create files and folders. In this way, you can perform harmful tasks on a website, e.g. B. ongoing visitors or healing customers with unwanted content.
In general, the code runs in the programming language named PHP. Your site must run PHP, but only in a specific directory. You can prevent the hacker from running the hacker tasks by blocking the PHP implementation from a trusted directory.
In closing
We would like to add that no matter what hosting you buy, securing it is of utmost essence. So, if you are looking at even shared servers, ensure that you understand risks and prevent them.